Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 4 in this shiny happy world.

Today was my first visit to my pediatrician Dr. Jordan's office. My parents told me it was a "well-baby" visit to see if I am getting enough milk and gaining weight. Dr. Jordan was really nice and we got along great. The nurse on the other hand was not my favorite person as she took off all of my clothes (even my diaper) and placed me on a metal scale which made me very upset. The scale was too cold for my little baby body and I wanted everyone to know about it. Dr. Jordan said that I am doing great and gaining back the weight that I lost the two days after being born which he said is very normal. He also said that I was a cutie and pretty darn perfect. My parents keep telling me the same thing. :)

After the Dr.s visit, mama and papa dropped by Target to pick up a few things they didn't get a chance to before I was born. I guess they were really planning on my birthday being in mid-October, silly parents! Since I am still very little, I stayed in the car with mama. We listened to Gershwin's "An American in Paris" on NPR while I ate with mama. She was tapping my feet to the beat of the music, which helps me stay awake during feedings. She thinks it will help my brain develop and make me a smarty pants... or make me appreciate music as much as she does. Meanwhile, papa shopped away at Target picking up things for me and mama. He is an awesome dad and is making life for mama and me pretty great. Since he can't feed me, he insists on changing all of my diapers even the really messy ones that I make for him as little gifts. I am working on a really good one right now... shhhh, don't tell him, I want it to be a surprise.

I am off to get some more milk now. I am loving the convenience of this nursing thing, it is like having my own personal drive-thru!

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, can't wait to meet you little Finn! Our little Matigan and Sarah also like Dr. Jordan! And they really think your parents are super cool too!
