Monday, November 22, 2010

So thankful.

Hi friends,
This weekend mama was working full time, so papa and I hung out a lot. Before leaving for work, she took this photo of us snuggling. She loves to take photos of papa and I. She keeps telling me how much I look like papa. :)

This week I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. Mama tells me that it is a wonderful holiday where you spend time with family, eat delicious food and think about the many things in life that you are thankful for. How great is that? So far I am thankful for papa, mama, snuggles, puppy kisses, music and dancing in the kitchen with mama and papa. What are you thankful for?

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Friday, I'm in love

One lovely photo for a lovely Friday. Have a great weekend!

(Finn at 4 weeks)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am six weeks going on seven weeks, innocent as a rose...

I am six weeks going on seven weeks! I have grown into some new clothes, started smiling like crazy, shared a few giggles with mama, started to coo and make "pterodactyl" noises, and figured out that snuggling is the best.

I think mama and papa are excited that I am starting to respond to their funny songs and dances. They love to hang out with me and make me smile, its awesome. We are a fun little family.

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Play that funky music white boy.

Mama and Papa like to play music and sing me. I usually just stare at them but lately I have started smiling and responding to their singing and dancing. I really like listening to music. When I want to relax Jack Johnson and Bob Marley are my favorites and when I want to dance I like oldies. Papa plays classical music for me when I am falling asleep. What kind of music do you like?

P.S. Did you hear my hiccups? Mama still thinks they are the cutest. 

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1 month well baby visit.

Hello world,
Last week I turned one month old! Amazing isn't it? It seems that all of my little birthday or anniversary celebrations happen at Dr. Jordan's office... 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month and soon I will go back for my 2 months check-up. I heard that normally you get cake for a birthday but so far this hasn't happened for me. I get snuggles, a light flashed in my eye, a cold scale and on this last visit an ouchie shot!

Before I get too far ahead of the story I should start at the beginning. For this visit papa couldn't come, so mama and I went together. This was our first outing alone. She sang to me on the way to our appointment and I fell asleep. While we sat in the waiting room we meet some other kids and their parents. There was a cute little girl who was beginning to walk, I can't wait to be able to do that. So far, I like to kick a lot, just like when I was in mama's belly... but now my kicks are becoming more intentional. I also like to scoot around my crib and on the floor, as well as hold on to mama's hair, shirt and shoulders when she is snuggling with me, and papa's neck when he burps me.

Back to our appointment. When we got into the exam room, a really nice nurse weighed me and it wasn't as bad as I remembered. She was really nice and gentle, and I didn't even cry. She also measured my length and head. She really stretched me out and I straightened my legs as far as I could. Papa keeps joking with me that he doesn't want me to be taller than him, so I am trying to grow as much as I can just to prove him wrong. It turns out that at 1 month I am 22 3/4" which is in the 90%ile! I wonder how tall papa was when he was my age? 

After the nurse left, mama snuggled me in my favorite green blanky and I feel asleep. Dr. Jordan could hardly even get me to open my eyes to look at them with his bright flash light. Then he answered a few of mama's questions and told her that I am doing really well. After Dr. Jordan left the nice nurse came back and gave me my first shot. She warned mama that I would probably cry like she had never heard before and she was right. Mama snuggled me while the nurse gave me the shot and I instantly opened my eyes and a second later screamed like never before. Mama later told me that she could see the pain in my eyes right before I cried and that it broke he heart a little. After I started crying she held me tight and I calmed down as she talked to me. The nurse told me that she was sorry for having to give me the shot but it would keep me safe. She was really nice, so I forgave her. I hope I will see her again. I liked her much more than the nurse before... I peed on her!

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I voted!

Hi Friends!
Did you vote last week? I did. I went to the polls with my mama and papa. The lines weren't as bad as mama said they would be because there were a lot of early and mail in voters in Colorado this year. When we got to the polls it was a little confusing because we couldn't find any voting signs at the high school telling us where to go. While we were looking for the correct room we ran into our neighbor Emily. Emily is in high school and she is really cool. Sometimes papa helps her with her math homework. He says that he is practicing so that when I am in high school he will be able to help me with my homework. 

Hmmm... I seem to have gotten off track, where was I? Oh that's right the voting polls. Once we found the correct room, mama and papa showed a man their driver's license and checked their name off of a list. The gentleman then asked if I would be voting. Mama told the nice man that she hopes I will when I am older and until then I would come with them to the polls so I can see how important it is to vote. As mama and papa voted, I feel asleep in my comfy car seat because there wasn't much for me to do and I was very sleepy. After they turned in their ballots the nice gentleman gave then stickers declaring "I voted." He also gave me a sticker which mama put on my favorite blue beanie. 

I can't say whether I enjoyed voting or not because I slept through most of it but I did meet some very nice people who where working at the polls. I wonder what we will be voting on next time? I will be older then, maybe I will be able to vote like mama said. Do they have toddler sized voting booths? I hope so.

Lots of love wiggles and giggles,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My First Halloween

Hi Friends,
My first Halloween started with a surprise from one of our neighbors. In our neighborhood there is a tradition of being "Boo-ed." When some one "Boo-s" you they leave a bag of goodies on your door step, ring the door bell and run! Usually you get a bag of candy with some other treats as well as a picture of a cartoon ghost that you put in your window so the other neighbors know that you have been "Boo-ed." Then you have to "Boo" two other neighbors.

This year we received a bag with some tasty treats for mama and papa and a cute Halloween footed onesie for me! Check out the little pumpkin feet!

For my Halloween costume mama dressed me as a little bear. She bought the costume a few weeks before I was born. She wasn't sure if I would fit into the newborn sized outfit and she was right... I just swam in it but it was very soft, so I didn't mind.

My costume kept me so warm and comfy... which made me sleepy, especially when papa held me.

Auntie Esme came over to help us carve pumpkins, she is comfy too. I fell asleep while she held me. She carved my pumpkin for me since I am still working on my hand-eye coordination and more importantly, I shouldn't play with sharp objects.

After we carved our pumpkins, we visited a few of our neighbors. First we stopped across the street at the Welchs. They have two cute little girls who gave me a lot of candy and also sang a song for me about a turtle who ate soap. I am not sure why the turtle ate the soap but the girls laughed and laughed about it which made me happy. The girls also gave me some cute shoes with puppies on them and a little sleep sack with ducks on it that they had outgrown. I can't wait to wear those puppy shoes.

Next we went to the Craigs' house. They live next door to us and have two older girls. The Craigs also gave me a bunch of candy as well as a baby blanket and a little giraffe. Mama told me that normally you don't get gifts when you trick-or-treat, so I felt very special. We have the best neighbors! They have all been so sweet in welcoming me to the neighborhood.

I can't wait for next Halloween when I can dress up again and visit my wonderful neighbors!

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Friday, I'm in love

One lovely photo for a lovely Friday. Have a great weekend.

Back to the blogaroo

Hi friends,

We have been away for almost two weeks. My mama went back to work last week and then we both caught colds this week... so we have been on a bit of a hiatus. The best part is, this week we will play catch up and post about our exciting adventures of the last two weeks. First we had Halloween, then I turned one month old and had my one month well-baby visit with Dr. Jordan, it snowed for the first time (in my life), I went to voting polls, mama made a cool painting for my room and I have grown out of my newborn clothes. A lot has gone on and I can't wait to tell you all about it.

This video is a fussy one and what life has been like in the Gray house lately, especially with the sniffles and gassy tummy. (For the record the translation of this cry/fuss is: "I am really tired but I don't want to sleep because life is so exciting and I don't want to miss a minute of it.") Mama thought we should post this one because she thinks my fussing is sometimes cute and well, the videos can't all be happy and smiley because let's face it... babies cry a lot throughout the day. Mama and papa are learning the differences in my cries and I am figuring out how to voice my opinion which they are usually very supportive about... except for the middle of the night cries (I think we all have a hard time with those!).

Stay tuned for all of our latest updates. It will be fun to relive the last few weeks since that is 1/3 of my sweet little life. Wowzers how quickly time is flying, this must mean we are having fun. 

Lost of love, wiggles and giggles,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Deep Thoughts by Finnian Gray

Why do my clothes keep shrinking? I no longer fit into my favorite monkey pajamas. Could it be that the whole universe is actually shrinking around me?

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pass the bottle, snap-happy mama!

 Hello world,
Last week mama and papa decided it was time to try bottle feeding. Since mama is a photographer and she is getting back to work, papa and I needed to get this bottle feeding down. At first it was a little weird, I guess nothing compares to the actual source but in the end, I am not a very picky eater. It was kind of nice to hang out with papa during my meals. He has such comfy arms!

Mama snapped the picture below of papa and I trying out this bottle thing. She really likes to take our picture and has taken so many already that she is rethinking the memory/storage of our digital photos. She has her business storage set up and now she is going to tackle our family photos because let's face it, I am the apple of her eye and she loves to take photos... so we are bound to have tons and tons of digital photos. I am sure one day she will embarrass me with some of these pictures, especially the nakee ones!

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,