Tuesday, May 31, 2011

News from Finn-land

Finnian can now pull himself up in his crib, turn on his music mobile and toss his pacifier across the room. Nap time just got a lot more complicated. Perhaps he's like his mama and gets creative urges while sleeping. Maybe I should leave a note pad near his crib, so he can write his thoughts down and go back to sleep (that always helps me). 

the Mama

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Playing in the grass

Can't walk yet but loves to stand in the grass with a little help from papa.

digital fun

Lately I've taken an interest in all things digital around the house; mama's cameras, cell phones, the TV (mama and papa don't let me watch TV, so when it is on I am fascinated), the TV remote, computers, ipads... oh goodness the list goes on. I just want to check them all out. Mama was telling me that when she was little there weren't cell phones or laptops. When she was 2 years old the first Macintosh was introduced and of course Grandpa Mike had to have one. Mama and Papa keep fantasizing about what amazing technological advances will develop in my lifetime, it's fun to think about. 

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011