Sunday, November 14, 2010

I voted!

Hi Friends!
Did you vote last week? I did. I went to the polls with my mama and papa. The lines weren't as bad as mama said they would be because there were a lot of early and mail in voters in Colorado this year. When we got to the polls it was a little confusing because we couldn't find any voting signs at the high school telling us where to go. While we were looking for the correct room we ran into our neighbor Emily. Emily is in high school and she is really cool. Sometimes papa helps her with her math homework. He says that he is practicing so that when I am in high school he will be able to help me with my homework. 

Hmmm... I seem to have gotten off track, where was I? Oh that's right the voting polls. Once we found the correct room, mama and papa showed a man their driver's license and checked their name off of a list. The gentleman then asked if I would be voting. Mama told the nice man that she hopes I will when I am older and until then I would come with them to the polls so I can see how important it is to vote. As mama and papa voted, I feel asleep in my comfy car seat because there wasn't much for me to do and I was very sleepy. After they turned in their ballots the nice gentleman gave then stickers declaring "I voted." He also gave me a sticker which mama put on my favorite blue beanie. 

I can't say whether I enjoyed voting or not because I slept through most of it but I did meet some very nice people who where working at the polls. I wonder what we will be voting on next time? I will be older then, maybe I will be able to vote like mama said. Do they have toddler sized voting booths? I hope so.

Lots of love wiggles and giggles,

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