Saturday, December 25, 2010

cookies. presents. aunt jammies. oh my!

Mama, Papa and I made cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. Mama found a cool recipe for melting snowman cookies on a fun blog. (Did you see how Mama made my little beanie look like a chef hat?) We started by baking yummy sugar cookies. Papa sampled the cookie dough to make sure it tasted okay... and then to check if the consistency was right... and then well, because it was tasty. He let me hold the spoon for a little bit because I am having fun grabbing things and putting them in my mouth. After the cookies were done cooling, Mama melted the marshmallows in the microwave for the snowman heads. Then Papa frosted the cookies as Mama drew the faces and stick arms on the snowmen. I think they are funny looking, don't you?

After we baked the cookies, we went over to Great Grandma Vicki, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Bev's house for Christmas Eve. We had a yummy English Feast of leek soup, prime rib, white wine broccoli and yorkshire pudding. Mama told me that everything was delicious. Aunt Bev made sure that I had my own special spot at the table next to Mama and Papa. I sat in Papa's arms while they ate and he gave me my bottle when I started to get hungry looking at the food.

Great Grandma Vicki showed me her Christmas Village. The little houses and people make me feel like Godzilla. I think next year I will try to play with those little figurines, so Mama better watch out.

After dinner, I snuggled with my cousins Janette and Dayley. They were very comfy and I dozed off a few times while they were holding me. I was really excited to meet my cousins especially since Dayley goes to school in Boston and Janette has her husband Alex's family to spend time with as well, so we weren't sure if we would get to see them this year. It was my lucky day.

After some snuggle time we opened presents. I helped pass out some presents and then I listened to the laughter and joy as I fell asleep in my sweet crib that Great Gimma and Aunt Bev bought me. When I woke up, Mama told me about the wonderful gifts my family and Santa brought me. I must have been a really good baby because I received some really amazing and thoughtful gifts. 

Check out the awesome hats Janette made for everyone, including me. The penguin is modeling mine since I was busy dreaming in my little crib. 

Aunt Jammie (Bev) bought everyone matching jammies, so we put them on, danced around and played after we opened presents. Did you see my cute little red outfit and Santa hat? I have the best family!

Mama took a lot of pictures for my first Christmas Eve. Can you see her in the Christmas ornament? She told me that she is so excited to share this holiday with me and to show me the photos when I am older.

Christmas Eve was amazing, stay tuned for my Christmas Day post. 

Lots of love, wiggles and giggles,

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